The world of Black and White
Decades back, the source of bridging distance were through handwritten letters. The first ever handwritten letter was sent by the Persian Queen Atossa in around 500 BC, according to historian Hellanicus. Gradually people learnt to read & write and the ritual of sending letters picked pace. Letters became a source to communicate for all kinds, for lovers, families and wars even. The “Paigam” was the sole source. Gradually telephones came in the limelight and handwritten letters began to lose its charm.
The pace of technology is faster than any development. The journey from telephones to smartphones wasn’t that long. But what is left long back is the magic of white envelopes with a handwritten letter kept in it. The writing of a person tipping from the ink of pen gave a sense of belonging. A feel that reached soul! The messages on mobiles can never give the jitters that letters could. The fragrance of the person writing the letter came strongly from the letter, enough to melt a soul to imagine them right next. It was an effort of time, patience and commitment.
Letters made a little inconvenience of time. It required time to reach and our hustle world lacks time and patience both. However if you ever wish to surprise a friend, family or life partner, never hesitate to pick a Pen & Paper.

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